Complete series of training materials
There are so many recordings of excellent training courses available. However it might be complicated to find them. This page is meant to change this.
DaNa If you want to start with nice reads on complex toxicological issues from current materials research in an generally understandable format for (non-)scientists have a look at the DaNa knowledge base.
LEITAT lab tour And before learning how to generate data, treat it and what to do with it, have a virtual tour into a lab where it is produced.
In addition to structuring the material by topic, as is done in other sections, we list here courses and series of training materials that provide an overview of nanosafety and nanoinformatics useful for beginners or people looking to get an overview of the areas. Parts of these courses are then also linked in the sections that cover the specific topic.
PARC Data and FAIR Training The schedule for the PARC FAIR Data and Tools webinar series also providing the recordings as we go.
SbD integration 2021 If you want to go far go together - Collaborative research supported by NanoCommons transnational access
Nanosafety training school 2021 The School features keynote speeches a variety of hands-on sessions aimed to transfer state-of-the-art knowledge on a variety of topics from key experts to the new generation of nano-environmental, health and safety, and biomedicine professionals, using interprofessional education.
NSC day 2020 This day acted as guidance for the entire NanoSafety community, including young researchers, to highlight how individual research projects fit as a puzzle piece into the wider picture. It shall be an orientation-giving and educational event depicting the overall strategy behind NanoSafe(ty).
ACEnano Training This is a list of all recordings from training webinars offered by ACEnano
ASINA training This is a list of recordings from webinars offered by ASINA
CUSP Webinars This is a list of all recordings from webinars offered by CUSP
NanoCommons Training This is a list of all recordings from training webinars offered by NanoCommons
NanoHarmony Training Training material and recordings from training webinars offered by NanoHarmony
PEROSH nano training project Training on emerging risks in R&D and production of new and advanced materials and nanomaterials: providing systematic approaches to deal with uncertainties
SABYDOMA webinars This is a list of all recordings from webinars offered by SABYDOMA
SUSNANOFAB webinars This is a list of all recordings from webinars offered by SUSNANOFAB
SbD4Nano training This is a list of recordings from webinars offered by SbD4Nano
WorldFAIR webinars and trainings Training on the WorldFAIR Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework, the Case Studies and related FAIR recommendations