Partner project NanoFASE

NanoFASE moved from the current mainly mass-based lifecycle and release flow approaches towards systems that can account for spatial and temporal variability of ENM release, environmental transport and fate.

The framework, supported by standard operating procedures (SOPs), parameter values, models and guidance, incorporated

  1. the behaviour of the actual relevant ENM forms released from ENM products (a distribution of composite bound and free particles);
  2. how reactions in waste management and environmental compartments (or “reactors”) transform such release-relevant ENMs (integrating environmental speciation with ENM properties); and
  3. the consequences of these transformations for transport and fate and among the different environmental compartments including organism uptake and local accumulation of ENMs in some environmental compartments (“environmental sinks” and hot spots).

The NanoFASE integrated Exposure Assessment Framework:

  • Allows all stakeholders to assess the environmental fate of nano releases from industrial nano-enabled products,
  • Is acceptable in regulatory registrations and can be integrated into the EUSES model for REACH assessment
  • Allows industry a cost-effective product-to-market process, and
  • Delivers the understanding at all levels to support dialogue with public and consumers.

The project developed an online integrated clickable framework for the assessment and prediction of the environmental fate of nanomaterials. For that, NanoFASE developed a set of novel concepts and approaches to underpin the Framework, developed as common themes linking the research, exploitation and dissemination throughout the project. The project generated protocols, models, parameter values, guidance and empirically derived data.

Introduction to NanoFASE

NanoFASE was a 4 year project funded by the European Commission within Horizon2020 (Grant Agreement 646002; 2015 - 2019).