Partner project PEROSH nano training

Currently, there are very limited initiatives providing Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) training on new emerging materials and NMs, despite an increased number of guidelines on both risk assessment and management, and the inclusion of specific requirements for NMs in several EU regulations.

Therefore, the current situation suggests a need for the development of training programs, shared and recognized by OSH authorities, and tailored to the need of different research and industry actors dealing with nanomaterials, and more in general with new and emerging materials. The PEROSH nanomaterial training project is meant to address this.

It is part of project PEROSH - Partnership for European Research in Occupational Safety and Health

In an ever-changing world of work, the promotion of the health and safety of the present and future workforce is crucial for guaranteeing a healthier, longer and more productive working life.

In order to ensure the quality of work and employment in Europe, a well-coordinated approach to occupational safety and health research rising above regional and national boundaries is needed. Therefore, the PEROSH partners aim to coordinate and cooperate on European research and development efforts in occupational safety and health.

Introduction to PEROSH