Nanoinformatics is the application of informatics to nanotechnology and, specifically for this handbook at its current stage, nanosafety. It is an interdisciplinary field that develops methods and software tools for understanding nanomaterials, their properties, and their interactions with biological entities, and using that information more efficiently. (adapted from Wikipedia)
General information on workflows and checklists to integrate nanoinformatics tools
A workflow and checklist of key information needed from modelling tool owners to facilitate integration into KB For this process to be successful, a clearly defined modelling tools integration workflow needs to be developed and implemented.
A workflow and checklist for experimental design and informatics workflow for risk assessment We describe a number of computationally oriented tools and methodologies that can be used for exposure modelling, hazard prediction and eventually for RA. Additionally, we present checklists and best practices for the most efficient use of the tools and workflows, as well as optimal combinations of these tools for performing RA for NMs.
Nanoinformatics areas
Initial Knowledge Infrastructure Functionalities and Services Implemented Integration status of tools for data management, mining, handling, analysis and predictive modelling to facilitate their joint provision as tools and services in the infrastructure.