Partner project ASINA
ASINA aims to implement a “Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design” (SSbyD) management methodology, a step-wise data driven methodology based upon architecture of six sigma engineering design process.
The impact and functioning of the ASINA methodology are tested across two value chains (VCs), for the production of: antimicrobial textiles and photocatalytic air purifying systems (VC1); antiaging skin care creams and antimicrobial hand creams (VC2). The ASINA expert system (ASINA-ES) is the multiple-criteria-decision-making tool developed that analyses information by addressing all the design for x dimensions: functionality, production technologies, safety, environmental sustainability, cost effectiveness, regulatory and standardisation requirements, acquiring elements from the life-cycle exposure scenarios for the minimization or maximization of the response functions and the identification of suitable range of application.
Introduction to ASINA
ASINA is a 4 year project funded by the European Commission within Horizon2020 (Grant Agreement 862444; 2020 - 2024).