NanoCommons User Guidance Handbook

A knowledge resource for the nanosafety community from the data and nanoinformatics shepherds

This online resource started by collecting and organising knowledge and training materials for the two strongly interconnected areas of data management for nanosafety and nanoinformatics but will be constantly extended to also cover areas like risk assessment, Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design and nanofabrication directly profiting from data, tools and services.

Data management should start at the planning stage by documenting the study design and decisions leading to the selected methods Publicly sharing for re-use according to open science and FAIR standards Preserving means bringing your data so that it can be found by you but also in institutional repositories and public data repositories and warehouses Acquisition Cleansing and processing Modelling and prediction Integration Annotation and quality control Analysis All about data management All about FAIRification All about nanoinformatics

The generation of knowledge, common to all these areas, can be visualised as two interlinked cycles. You can hover over the figure to access short introductions to the different aspects of the cycle. Click on any of the three general areas in the lower part of the figure to access information on that topic.

If you are

  • a nano scientist (wet or dry lab), who produces and wants to access and share data and knowledge
  • a data manager, curator or steward or even shepherd
  • a computer geek interested in nano
  • want to become one of the above

or are just interested in these areas, then this handbook is for you.

Working together

Even if much has been achieved as documented in this handbook, there are still many challenges as presented in the nanoinformatics roadmap.

These are best addressed as collaboration of the complete community, intensive knowledge sharing and connecting everything resulting in a common data and nanoinformatics ecosystem.

Many different research groups and projects (small and large) have and are developing data resources, software and platforms. The NanoCommons infrastructure is meant to be even one level above these platforms to bring them together and govern harmonisation and interoperability aspects across platform / projects / country borders. The success is dependent on the underlying platforms and services and since not all information on these can and should be reproduced here, we provide short summaries and access links to the partners’ websites, platforms and networks.

If you are a fan of collaborative research and want to get involved personally or with your project in extending and strengthening this community resource, you can find contact details in the About page.

A big THANK YOU to the contributing projects!


If you like to make comments specifically on new approaches and tools, please look at: