
NanoCommons Data Management Plan

This repository contains a Markdown version of the NanoCommons Data Management Plan. The authors are listed in the AUTHORS file and the license is given in the LICENSE file. The CC-BY license allows reuse but requires attribution. All authors and projects must be acknowledged in derived versions. That must include acknowleding the European Union funding all contributing projects received in the past.

Customizing the plan

A more project-independent version of this plan can be found in the file. This version uses annotation and command line tools to customize the plan, making reuse easier. The source can be compiled by either of the following two commands (it needs make (only for the first) and groovy installed):



groovy createMarkdown.groovy NanoCommons 731032 >


This project has received funding from European Union Horizon 2020 Programme (H2020) under grant agreement nÂș 731032.